Mountain Flight Training
Mountain flight training is a great way to build your confidence in the challenging and beautiful terrain that makes flight training in Northern Colorado so special!
John Denver wasn’t exaggerating when he described our cathedral mountains and the silver clouds below. Mountain flying is one of the best perks of living in Northern Colorado! You will learn how to use the resources available to you on the ground to make safe go/no-go decisions. You will learn about how to navigate in the mountains and gain an understanding of the updrafts and downdrafts you will encounter. You will also discuss survival equipment, box canyon awareness, and high altitude takeoffs and landings. Mountain training typically takes an hour of ground training followed by a flight in our beautiful mountains.

Why is the Greeley-Weld County Airport an amazing General Aviation airport for Flight Training?
There’s no control tower on the airfield.
We don't have to wait for takeoff clearance, don't have to wait to land, and don't have to wait for any type of clearances from Air Traffic Control. This allows the student to learn to fly without external pressures coming from a control tower.
There’s good complexity available at the airport: Multiple runways in use, multiple taxiways, complex environment to navigate, crossing runways, and utilizing outbound vs inbound taxiways.
It has a runway with a right traffic pattern allowing the ability to practice standard and non-standard traffic patterns.
Two full-sized runways that allows great flight training for different types of landings Airport is in close proximity to practice areas, saving time and money for commuting to the practice areas.
Close proximity to towered airports for tower operations - allows for so many different flight training opportunities when learning tower ops.
Learning to fly at the Greeley, Colorado Airport ~ Join our fantastic General Aviation community!
Our airport allows flight students to explore all avenues of aviation! It’s such a friendly environment - In one hour at this airport, you’ll meet more people than you’ll meet in a year at Fort Collins, Colorado! You’ll have access to people from all different aspects of aviation